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Ramadan: The Most Favourite Month for Muslims

The most awaited month is here!

Muslims all around the world wait for it heartily. Ramadan is commonly known as being the month of fasting. Ramadan is about much more than just fasting from dawn to dusk; it is in fact the moth of purifying one’s soul and connecting to Allah.

Ramadan is the favorite month of Muslims for several reasons other than the ones mentioned above. It is the month when the Quran was sent down upon Prophet (Peace be upon him) and various other reasons,

Here a few reasons why Muslims are so fond of this month:

Laylatul Qadr

The first verse of the Quran was sent down upon the prophet (peace be upon him) on the night of Laylatyul Qadr (The night of decree). The last 10 days of Ramadan are more profoundly waited for and Laylatyul Qadr falls in one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadan. Praying and repenting to Allah on the night of Laylatyul Qadr is said to be better than a thousand months; prayers performed on this one night are better than those performed over a thousand months.

The Forgiveness of Sins and Increased Rewards

The concept of fasting and abstaining from any sort of food and drinks is for the reason that a Muslim’s Emaan grows stronger and they build a closer connection with Allah.

Just before breaking the fast, if a Muslim prays to Allah for forgiveness or anything else, it is granted as the person has fasted to please Allah.

Getting Rid of Bad Habits

Ramadan is the month that purifies a Muslim’s soul and the body. The concept of fasting is to please Allah and also understand a poor man’s perspective of when he does not have anything to drink or food to have. This is the month when the realization hits and Muslims try helping their poor brothers and sisters by providing from their wealth and the benefits of life they have. An entire month of doing this can form a habit that can continue throughout a Muslim man or woman’s life.

Another habit of unhealthy easting can be easily overcome in the month of Ramadan. While fasting causes starvation, it also is a great time to start eating healthy and developing healthy habits.

Ramadan is the month of giving

Ramadan is the month of giving where Muslims give Zakat, Sadqaat, and donate in the form of food, clothes, and other necessities to their lesser privileged brothers and sisters. The idea of Zakat is mainly about purifying one’s wealth and his heart of the greed for more. This also redistributes the wealth in the economy so that only the rich do not remain rich and the poorer do not keep getting poorer.

The Feasting

During Iftar, Muslims will decorate their dining tables with various dishes and savories to treat themselves after fasting the whole day – from dawn till dusk. Usually the entire family gathers to break their fast together, which makes it even more special and fun. Through this act, greater bonding among family members and friends will be accomplished.

Understanding the true essence of Ramadan is important so that Muslims celebrate this month to the fullest and also take care of their duties towards Allah and the community.


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