Shezwan Fry Chicken is crispy on the outside and a burst of flavor in every bite. Give it a try!
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Schezwan Fry Chicken, Spicy Orange...
Darbari Karahi is a mood changer. Serve this to your family and get all the praise you deserve!
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Darbari Karahi , Mooli Kay Parathay and...
Kaleji Kay Tikkay is always a hit. Try Kaleji Kay Tikkay with Paratha this week to treat your taste buds.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Kaleji Kay Tikkay , Lacha...
Spicy Tikka Biryani has a royal - rustic taste that you'll fall in love with. Feel royal in every bite of this Biryani.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Spicy Tikka...
Here is the authentic recipe of Thai chili chicken , right off the streets of Thailand, make at your own home and enjoy!
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Chili Chicken...
Why waste money on cakes when you can make beautiful looking delicious Greek New Year's Cake at home. Follow this step by step recipe to up your baking games.
Watch this Masala TV video to...