Here is the perfect BBQ Masala Mix recipe that you can use to season all your favorite grilled meat and veg dishes. You can make it once and store for months to save your...
Mexican Salad Rolls are uniquely special because of the fusion of taste with unique Mexican Salad with combination of roll buns.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Mexican Salad Rolls ,...
Beef Roast is certainly one of the most loved dishes that there are! Its of full of taste and flavors that you'll enjoy every bite of.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to...
Mix Bhaji Qeema is as certainly one of the most amazing fusion of foods we've tried; it tastes like nothing you have tried before. Give it a try!
Watch this Masala TV video to learn...
This Laccha Paratha recipe will help your achieve the crispiest texture that you'll absolutely love. Give this very amazing recipe a try at Sehri time!
No Iftaar is complete without Dahi Baray but if you're tired of the same old recipe, here is a recipe that will give you the much needed change of taste.
Peri Bites are a forever favorite! Make these very crispy, very cheesy Peri Bites at home for Iftaar and get all the praise you deserve from your loved ones.
A Sehri without eggs seems rather incomplete. Give yourself and your loved ones a change of flavor; enjoy preparing two amazing recipes and have a blast!
Make these Lemon And Pepper Chops for your loved ones this weekend and make great memories on the dinner table.
Watch this Masala TV video to learn how to make Lemon and Pepper Chops and...